What is self-evaluation?
Self-evaluation is a procedure to systematically observe, analyze and value your own professional action and its results in order to stabilize or improve it. This can take place on an individual or on an organizational level. To self-evaluate means that people explore and evaluate their own professional work.
In self-evaluation the demand for quality in research is adapted to the given resources. A great advantage is the focus on practice: the procedure is directly connected with the professionals’ expert knowledge and experience in their particular area of work. This leads to high commitment and high identification with the evaluation results and increases willingness to draw conclusions and transfer them into practice.
What does this website offer?
The page provides knowledge about methodology and implementation practice in the field of self-evaluation for practitioners.
For that purpose we summarized some basics from publications and literature about self-evaluation is presented (fundamentals).
Manuals, handbooks, guidelines and examples from self-evaluation practice can be found at materials.
Furthermore, we list thematically relevant publications (updated constantly) (literature).
Finally, you can find information about training in self-evaluation (training).
Who is supervising this website?
Editing is done by Berthold Schobert, CEO of Univation GmbH, Katharina Klockgether, scientific officer with Univation GmbH and Dr. Rüdiger Preißer, self-employed sociologist, educationalist and political scientist with longtime experience in evaluation research. We are looking forward to your suggestions via e-mail: Contact Page